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The Biodiversity and the Climate of Gilgit Baltistan


The effects of environmental change on mountain biodiversity, an exceptional reference to the

Gilgit-Baltistan (GB), the home of world's three biggest mountain ranges i.e., Himalaya, Karakoram and

Hindu Kush range.

Himalyas Mountain Gilgit Baltistan
Himalyas Mountain Gilgit Baltistan

HinduKush Mountain Gilgit Baltistan
HinduKush Mountain Gilgit Baltistan

Karakarum Mountain Gilgit Baltistan
Karakarum Mountain Gilgit Baltistan

Mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan have most delicate biological system and are home to an extraordinary assortment of

wild fauna and fauna, with many jeopardized species like the notorious Snow panther that lives with snow line,

Astore Markhor, Marco Polo Sheep, Himalayan griffin vulture and different fragrant and monetary worth high

elevation spices. An unavoidable end from assessed writing is that, the environmental change is affecting the

globe however its effects are more exceptional and outrageous in the delicate mountain biological systems

Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) bringing about biodiversity misfortune. 

snow leopard in gilgit baltistan

Researchers caution that environmental change influences are three to multiple times more prominent in high

elevation biological systems like GB bringing about weighty floods because of liquefying of snow and icy

masses prompting the deficiency of living souls, economy and foundation. It is additionally cautioned that the

effect of environmental change is supposed to increment in future. Concentrates on show that the vast majority

of the species are moving towards higher rises, particularly the little warm blooded animals that are viewed as

specialty subject matter expert, hence considered as bio-pointers. As Gilgit-Baltistan has a delicate precipitous

environment, so every small part of progress in environment modifies the biological system benefits gravely.

Individuals of Gilgit-Baltistan are absolutely reliant upon regular assets, so there is extraordinary need of

strategy execution for better administration of normal assets and vocation support in the evolving environment.

There is a need of activities to relieve and adjust to the effects of evolving environment.

Impact of Climate Change

 The Government associations, NGOs and the examination organizations should fill the information hole,

so it will help them for strategy making, which will be founded on logical discoveries and research.Climate

changes and its effect on biodiversity is presently a significant issue of entire world. In Gilgit-Baltistan, a

few NGOs like World Wild Fund (WWF) has been attempting to secure and save natural assets of the GB,

and are wishing to execute the transformation and relief techniques for the Gilgit-Baltistan. Like other sloping

region of the world, environment changing is additionally occurring in Mountainous areas of Pakistan, for

example, in Gilgit-Baltistan. Environmental change is presenting serious dangers to the delicate biological

systems and unfortunate networks. All most every one of the regular biological systems are powerless against

environmental change in GB. The quickly liquefying of glacial masses causes environment loss of numerous

species and it causes harm in transient defeats of numerous transitory species. In Gilgit-Baltistan the environment

stations in Gilgit, Skardu, Gupis and Bunji show expansion in the all out temperature in most recent twenty

years from 1980 to 2006 which has been noticed expanding by 0.440 C each many years.

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