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Siachen Glacier the coldest boarder between Pakistan and India

 Siachen Glacier is one of the world's longest mountain glaciers, stretching 44 miles (70 kilometres) from north-northwest to south-southeast in Gilgit baltistan's District Ghanche, Karakoram Range within the India–Pakistan boundary. It is the source of the Nubra River, Shyok and part of the Indus River system. India and Pakistan claimed both their own area so that there is a Soilder on both side of Boarder even in the Extrteme Cold weather with more than -40°C and approximately both has equal administered area.

Siachen Location

History of Siachen War 

When the Karakorum Highway was completed in 1979, India attempted to disrupt this land link between Pakistan and China, and in 1984, the Indian Army took a piece of Siachen without authority. The cease-fire on the LOC is in violation of a 1949 agreement. During the wars of 1965 and 1971, no side used troop movements. In the late 1970s, India began to demonstrate interest in Siachen, sending military mountaineering teams there. This information was gathered from local locals and the International Alpine Magazine in early 1983. Indian invasions were confirmed by aerial photography and Pakistan Army foot patrols. In Saltoro, India arrived after that the invasion started to capture the whole area.


What is the significance of Siachen?

In the region, the Siachen glacier separates Central Asia from the Indian subcontinent, as well as Pakistan and China. The Siachin glacier's Saltoro Ridge acts as a barrier between PoK and China, preventing them from developing geographical military ties in the region. Siachen also functions as a watchtower for India, allowing it to keep a close eye on Pakistan's Gilgit and Baltistan territories. If Pakistan has the advantage of position in Siachen, it will become a major threat.

How much does it cost to stay in Siachen?

Around more than five thousands troops have been deployed by India and Pakistan, respectively. According to the survey the estimated cost of every single meal for a person is more than 100% of its orignal cost due to its transportation, maintainance and facilities provided to the soilders, according to the Pakistani Authorities. India has spent over Rs 7,500 crore for the purchase of apparel and mountaineering equipment for soldiers. In terms of human cost, more than 1000 Soilders are died on both side after 1984 deployment.

What is biggest Incident on Siachen Glacier?

A Pakistani military camp near the Siachen Glacier region named as Giyari was damaged by an avalanche on April 7, 2012, martyred 140 soldiers and civilian contractors under heavy snow. The avalanche is the worst the Pakistani military has ever seen in the area. Rescue operations were supposed to take several days due to the remoteness and terrible weather conditions, but the Pakistani rescue mission collaborated with teams from Germany and Switzerland to expedite the procedure. PDMA Punjab gave over a sum of 5 lac rupees apiece to the families of the troops who died in this tragic occurrence in these trying times.

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