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Benefit of saffron, Method of collecting Saffron and 5 most saffron growing countries

Benefit of saffron, Method of collecting Saffron and 5 most saffron growing countries


Saffron is the dried golden-colored, pungent stigmas (pollen-bearing structures) of the autumn crocus, which are used as a spice to flavor dishes and as a dye to color foods and other things. Saffron has a strong, exotic perfume and a bitter taste, and it is utilized to color and flavor manmade products. It is the most expensive spice in the world, costing between $500 and $5,000 per pound (450 grammes).

The flower also contains three yellow stamens, which do not contain active chemicals and are not normally gathered. Each bulb produces between one and seven blooms. The cultivated variety appears to have begun as a natural hybrid, and it has been chosen for its lengthy stigmas and kept ever since. The flower of C. sativa is a light purple, but it is the bloom's thread-like reddish-colored stigma that is treasured as a spice and natural colorant. It takes around 36,000 blooms to produce 1 pound of stigmas.


Saffron is mostly grown in Iran, although it is also grown in Spain, France, Italy (on the Apennines Range's lower spurs), and sections of India. The three stigmas from each bloom are plucked, put on trays, and dried over charcoal fires for use as a culinary flavoring and coloring. 75,000 blooms are represented by a pound (0.45 kilograms) of saffron. Saffron contains 0.5 to 1% essential oil, the main constituent of which is picrocrocin.

Method of collecting Saffron

The laborers’ hands were used to collect flowers. To avoid mechanical damage or pollution, plastic or wood baskets are used for transportation. Flowers must be opened on the same day they are harvested by hand. If the flowers are opened before being collected, the stigmas may collide or mix with the petals, lowering the quality.


Health Benefit of Saffron

The advantages and therapeutic characteristics of this expensive spice make it a valued culinary ingredient all over the world. According to current studies, saffron can be used as an aphrodisiac, diaphoretic [to create sweating], carminative [to prevent gas], and to induce menstruation. Some other advantages are listed below:

Contain Anti cancer properties

1.       Improvement of disturbances d the dream

2.       Toothache Reduces

3.       Helps to Improves cognitive and learning skills

4.       Relieves menstrual pain

5.       Benefits to mitigate type II diabetes

6.       Help to Reduces fever and Anti-inflammatory properties.


5 most saffron growing countries      






South Asia



South Asia













Important therapeutic food plants are abundantly grown in Iran and are also cultivated for their nutritional and economic value. C. sativus is mostly found in the Irano-Touranian area and west Asia, where there is little yearly rainfall, cold winters, and scorching summers. Saffron is now grown in Iran and a few other ancient civilizations. Saffron is the most costly spice in the world, owing to the work involved in cultivation, harvesting, and handling. The high price of saffron is due to production constraints and increasing consumer demand. Recent claims concerning saffron's pharmacological activity and therapeutic characteristics make it the subject of frequent adulteration and fraud, as well as the subject of different phytochemical and biotechnological studies.

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