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Everything you want to know about Skardu, Gilgit baltistan

 Is Skardu a capital of Gilgit Baltistan While having International Airport?

No, Gilgit is the captial of Gilgit Baltistan. Gilgit Baltistan consist of  two main regions besides ten Districts i.e. Gilgit and Baltistan and Skardu is the capital of Baltistan region. Due to tourism importance, government policies, and improvement in road infrastructure skardu becomes the heart of tourism in Gilgit baltistan. PIA had launched Karachi to Skardu flights on May 26,2021. Earlier the date on 7th April, the PIA had launched direct flight operation from Lahore to Skardu atleast twice a week flight between the big cities results in popularity of Skardu and  boost in tourism   Recently Skardu Airport is declared as an international airport late 2021 but due to the administrative problem the flight got delayed on 13 may form Munich Germany to Skardu. New schedules will be announce later according to the spokesperson of CAA. Skardu is popular for its vast area of visiting places unlike Hunza. 

Why is Skardu famous/ Is Skardu beautiful?

Located in the centre of Baltistan, Skardu plays vital role in the tourism sector. Skardu city has more places to visit than any other cities in Gilgit Baltistan. These are (Lower Kachura Lake) Shangrilla Lake, Upper Kachra Lake, Sarfaranga (The Cold Desert), Kharfocho Fort, Deosai National Park, Sadpara Lake, Chumik, Katpanah, Basho, Masur Rock, and Chundah. These places are located in Skardu District where you can visit at any place.. Along with this, in Skardu the second Highest mountain of World and Pakistan Highest mountain, K2 (8,611 m) is located, Shigar, Khaplu, Manthoka Kharmang and Saling are at the a day driving didstance.  Its also consists of landscape, culture, traditions, and hospitality of locals are very fascinated the toursits that they even didnt tired of exhibiting its popularity.

Lower kachura lake (shangrilla)

Lower Kachura Lake (Shangrilla)

Upper Kachura Lake skardu

Upper Kachura Lake 

sarfaranga cold desert shigar skardu

sarfaranga cold dessert

                                                                        kharphocho fort

Deosai national park

Sadpara lake Skardu

Chumik Skardu


Basho valley Skardu

Marsur rock Skardu

Chunda valley SkarduIs 

Skardu more beautiful or Hunza?

According to landscape and  tourists destinations Skardu excelled to Hunza. According to the tourist point of view Hunza is just a hype there is no many palces to visit except Altit or Baltit Fort. For Instance, thats created with the help of social media, availability of luxurious hotels. in contrsat, Skardu has more picnic points and now a days due to the improvemnt in the road infrastructure people more visit towards Skardu than Hunza. 

Is Skardu a part of India?

No, Skardu is a part a Pakistan, it is located in the northern areas of Pakistan. Its integrally part of Pakistan. Sometimes its also called as fifth province of Pakistan. Gilgit Baltistan is ruled under the federal Adminstration from Islamabad. 

How do I get to Skardu?

There are only two ways to get in Skardu i.e. by road and by air. By road you can book your seat by bus in Pirwedai Rawalpindi. There are various travel services through which you can book your seat. some of the popular travel services are k2 tours, Mashabrum, Geo Travel, Samaa and many more. Faisal Movers recently started travel  services from Rawalpindi to Skardu Gilgit Baltistan. Either you can book a car to get in skardu but its more costly as compared to by bus. 
    Previously it took more than 24 hours to get in Skardu but now a days due to improvement in Road Infrastructure it took only 16 to 17 hours from Rawalpindi to Skardu and vice virsa.
    By air you can visit Skardu from 4 different cities of Pakistan i.e. Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi and sometimes Multan. It took only 45 min to reach Skardu from Islamabad, 2h:15m from Karachi, 1h 20m and 7h by connecting flight from Multan.

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