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Karakoram highway Eighth wonder of the world :The way which brings you close to the nature The Karakorum highway (KKH)


Karakorum highway Eighth wonder of the world :The way which brings you close to the nature

The Karakorum highway (KKH)

     The 1300 km(810 mi) way which is known as the 8th deadliest road of the world, that links the Punjab province of Pakistan to the Khunjerab Pass in Gilgit Baltistan, where it crosses into China and it become China National Highway, this highway is known as The Karakoram Highway also called N-35.Twisting and turning  through the mighty Karakorum range about 36*51'00"N and 75*25'40''E, the highway is a famous tourist attraction and one of the highest paved roads in the world.


        Approximately sixteen to seventeen hours of driving along with the Sindh River the KKH leads you into one of the finest destination that is Skardu the capital of Baltistan,the land of natural beauty every place you visite will find unique and full of life .while driving on KKH you will undergo the hottest places of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa around 40 to 45 degree temperature that might burn your skin, after several hours of continuous driving it will push you into the coldest part of the KKH The Babusar Top where the temperature is freezing also you will see  the huge mountains covered with snow the sun will be shining in the heart of blue sky and when the sun light falls in the snow its seems like the diamond is sparkling everywhere which make a lovely sight  , then you head down from the Babusar Top towards Chilas and other hot areas where the temperature are comparatively quite pleasant then Punjab but not better then that Top. After all these ups and downs in the weather condition there is one more thing that is The Road! the road which is well known by its sharp, dangerous turns and the height between road and Sindh River.

      Continuously moving about 17 hours in a confusing situation between life and death you will finally enter in the Skardu city,where The Shangrila Resort, upper and lower Kachura lake on their knees ready to welcome you ,then you will see the art of nature there. The big big lakes spreading an enormous place taking the image of the sky into it flowing silently feeling inner peace! Then you will move towards city center here you direct interact with the locals happy,energetic and proud to being a part of such an amazing place. If you look around will see the great Kharpocho Fort at the top of mountain standing proudly telling its magnificent history to the people. The city of Skardu is capped by the National Deosai Park, on the way to Deosai you will be passing through the village of famous mountanor Muhammad Ali Sadpara who recently died during submitting the K2(the second highest peak of the world) in the harsh weather of December 2021.

After 3 to 4 hours of driving between giants mountain you will reach at National Deosai Park the endless landscape the cold water flowing down dancing with the breeze towards Satpara Dam,there  you might encounter with the world's rarest animal Brown Bear(an endangered animal).It will not wrong if i say you have visit Skardu but don’t see  the landscape of Deosai you have seen nothing.

  God has gifted uncountable beauty to this region but these are few of them, endlessly telling the story of natural beauty and showing the art of nature.




  1. Good effort but you know there is always a room for improvement. Keep writing ,keep growing.
    P.S. Use Grammerly for well-formed sentence structure.


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